Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Average Week in 2026

I am NUTS!  My youngest is 18 and you'd think there would be some slowing down, but everything is moving at the speed of light....I can not be anywhere without something alerting me to the wherabouts and doings of my kids and husband....I'm juggling my career which I'm doing something I Love and truly helping people, but even the office can reach me anytime anywhere throught the computers running my home and car etc.    Technology has made it so that I don't have to miss anything going on in my kids lives or my career.  The technological advancements have helped make psychology such an exciting doesn't take near as long to get results and therfore starting therapies to provide help almost immediately.  I love my life and that I get to help so many deserving people...and to think 15 years is such a short time :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Google Knows Everything

I do find it disturbing that because I use Google, gmail etc that nothing is private.  We all use the internet with the assumption that at least some of the things we do/say are private.  To find out otherwise is disconerting at best.  I think that having us "control" our settings..including privacy settings is severely misleading because it gives us a false sense of security and privacy.  Currently, it would appear that just becuase Google knows all, does not mean that everyone knows all, but we don't know that for's unbelievable all the things to see that they know...I mean...where I am right now....everything about me because I use gmail....WOW!  I never really thought about it before, but now the wheels are really turning and the potential for living off the grid went from extremely difficult to least if I want to socialize...or having running water and power :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bridging the Digital Divide

I think that the digital divide is growing.  There are several examples of this in this country as well as worldwide. 
In this country the gap between income is an example of this.  The rich are getting richer while it is more difficult for the lower income people in this country to achieve the American Dream.  As gaps in income have increased, fewer and fewer people are able to purchase luxuries such as home computers and internet access.  This is evidenced by the number of people looing for jobs without the aid of the internet.  Another example of how great the digital divide still is are the number of programs, in this country alone, that work to give access to the lower income population. If the digital divide in this country alone was shrinking, then the need for those programs would be shrinking instead of growing.
An example of the still enormous digital divide worldwide is the lack of access to basic needs...clean water, regular food source etc shows that internet access isn't the top priority for a majority of the world. The lack of awareness demonstrated by those who feel that the digital divide isn't growing is astounding.  If the digital divide were truly shrinking then tribes in Africa would have computers and access the internet in order to sell the goods they make.  It is true that there are tribes in places of the world that are able to accomplish this through specific programs designed to shrink the digital divide, but those programs have not touched nearly as many tribal peoples as they would need to in order to truly shrink the digital divide instead of just give the appearance of shrinking the digital divide. 
I think that we still have a long way to go in order to begin shrinking the digital divide that is still a worldwide issue as well as in our own country.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

About Me

My name is Cherry.  I am married to Travis.  We have 4 kids: ages range from 11 to 2.  I am a fulltime student and of course full time mom.  A lot of my days are taken up with making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be.  I enjoy my life and I'm excited to be back in school.  We are also a military family, so that adds a dimension of stress and fun to everything we do.  I am majoring in psychology and german and my goal is to end up working with military families without access to full time support i.e. National Gaurd and reserve families.