Monday, February 7, 2011

Google Knows Everything

I do find it disturbing that because I use Google, gmail etc that nothing is private.  We all use the internet with the assumption that at least some of the things we do/say are private.  To find out otherwise is disconerting at best.  I think that having us "control" our settings..including privacy settings is severely misleading because it gives us a false sense of security and privacy.  Currently, it would appear that just becuase Google knows all, does not mean that everyone knows all, but we don't know that for's unbelievable all the things to see that they know...I mean...where I am right now....everything about me because I use gmail....WOW!  I never really thought about it before, but now the wheels are really turning and the potential for living off the grid went from extremely difficult to least if I want to socialize...or having running water and power :)

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